Saturday, May 13, 2023

Keto Green

I am truly saddened by the state of human health in today’s modern society and frustrated with our medical system that has not been addressing the underlying reasons we are getting sick. Chronic diseases are the number one reason that our lifespan is getting shorter, despite access to top medical care. Through my medical practice and research, I’ve come to understand that systemic inflammation and hormone imbalance is the common denominator in diseases like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and others. What is the the main reason why one would have inflammation? The answer is in the food we eat. As scary as that sounds, the reality is that we have control over it. That what you eat makes a difference and that the incredible reality is that you have the power to prevent and even reverse symptoms of aging and degeneration, and achieve optimal health and longevity. I know this to be possible because I see it every day in the office.  

I love muscle testing to get specific biofeedback from the body on what foods to eat or not eat to help patients with all sorts of symptoms.  Headaches, infertility, skin rashes, allergies can all be helped by what you eat. To help patients eat low-carb and more veggies my favorite book to recommend is Keto-Green by Anna Cabeca.

In the book she explains how it works to eat low carb and put the body into keto. It’s not like the original Keto diet because it doesn’t have dairy in it and does a lot of veggies and healthy plant-based fats. Vegans and vegetarians can do the Keto-Green diet too. She tells you exactly what to buy to stock your kitchen with Keto-Green foods to cover all of your bases.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) model over previous decades has pushed the low-fat diet paradigm, which has led us down a dangerous path. In the end, more and more individuals and health experts are realizing that this dietary false assumption was actually making us sick and fat, not to mention leaving us hungry, cranky and deprived. Thankfully, science has solidly proven that healthy fats are definitely not what is making us fat, and in fact is necessary and foundational to human health and hormone balance. The real culprits are excess carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates and sugars that contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic diseases in modern day society. For 21 days I have tested all of the recipes from the Keto-Green book and rest assured, they are easy to follow (the average dinner takes 30 minutes to make) and they won’t spike blood sugar. You’ll adopt a plan that keeps you truly satiated while supporting weight loss, fat burning, hormone balance, alkalinity, and better health.

A good general rule of thumb when grocery shopping is to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store, as this is where the real foods live. By real foods, I mean fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and (for some) high quality dairy. You might peruse the inner aisles for oils and a few other ingredients for your kitchen, but in general you’ll be looking for unprocessed foods that come from nature. As the well-known health writer Michael Pollan eloquently asserts: “don’t eat anything your great grandparents wouldn’t have recognized as food.”

The book gives you a list of 16 food types that you can eat, carefully chosen for their ability to burn fat, balance hormones, keep your body in an alkaline state, promote a healthy gut microbiome, support cognitive health and much more. If you are looking for better health and want to reduce inflammation and/or balance hormones I highly suggest Keto-Green diet.   

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