Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Collagen For Weight Loss

 Collagen is a protein that’s naturally found in the body.  It makes up 25% to 30% of the proteins in your body and gives structure to connective tissue like your skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones and blood vessels.  I test for collagen supplements to help people improve skin elasticity, reduce appearance of skin wrinkles, increase skin hydration, reduce bone loss, improve brittle nails, boost hair health, support heart health and improve weight loss.  Because collagen helps gives so much structure to the body it can be used for lots different reasons in the body.  When I test for collagen ! test for it in capsules or powder.  There are lots of different kinds out on the market and they are not all made the same so before you add it into your daily life I highly suggest getting muscle tested for it.  

Bone broth is the number one food that has collagen in it and the question is do you test better for chicken bone broth or beef? It is best taken on an empty stomach.  This way the body can absorb more nutrients from it.  If you are doing the capsule or powder that can be taken with food.  

Let me now explain how collagen can help with weight loss goals:

Promote satiety

Collagen supplements may increase satiety, or the feeling of fullness. This could aid weight loss by reducing hunger, and therefore, how many calories you eat in a day. Collagen might have this effect because it’s a protein. According to a 2020 study, high-protein diets increase satiety hormones. They also suppress ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone. According to a 2008 study, increased protein intake can also increase thermogenesis, which is the ability of the body to produce heat. The more heat your body makes the more calories it will burn which will help with weight loss. The study also notes that higher protein diets may stimulate muscle protein anabolism, “favoring the retention of lean muscle mass while improving metabolic profile.”

Increase muscle mass

Building muscle is an essential component of weight loss. That’s because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, increasing overall calories burned. Taking collagen supplements helps increase muscle mass. Remember, collagen is the main structural protein in your muscles. In a 2015 study involving older adults, participants with sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) completed 12 weeks of weight training. Half of the participants took collagen peptide supplements, while the other half took a placebo. Those who took collagen peptides experienced a greater improvement in muscle mass and strength. They also lost more fat mass than the placebo group. These results suggest that collagen supplements can support loss of body fat by enhancing the effects of weight training on muscle mass.

Reduce fat accumulation

There’s some evidence that collagen may reduce the development and accumulation of fat cells. A 2019 study found that collagen from skate, a type of fish, reduces body fat in humans. The amount of fat lost was small, but suggests potential benefits for weight loss.

Relieve joint pain

Collagen supplements might indirectly help weight loss by reducing joint pain. Healthy joints are needed to move comfortably during exercise and daily activities. Engaging more regularly in physical activity could then in turn support weight management. A 2015 study found that collagen peptides can help people with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis happens when your joint cartilage wears down, causing joint pain and stiffness. If joint pain prevents you from working out, let us know at your next appointment so we can muscle test you to see if a collagen supplement can help!

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