Monday, April 27, 2015

Healing the Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy. It is green in color and of course, located at the heart center. It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness, and respect. The heart chakra is an integrating and unifying chakra - bringing to wholeness the three chakras above with the three chakras below - as such, it is your healing center. Indeed, most spiritual traditions recognize love as the ultimate healing force.

The "way of the heart" is living your life from this energy center of love. It means living your life with loving kindness and compassion towards others. It means that your heart is open to others and you inspire kindness and compassion in others. You create a safe and supportive environment when this chakra is open and functioning.

Others can feel your love and warmth. They feel loved and accepted unconditionally. People feel at peace around you, as there is no judgment coming from you. When the heart chakra is open and energy is flowing freely, you are not only loving to others, you are also loving to your self. You know when you need to say no and when you need care and self-nurturing.

All of the seven chakras are important and while I cannot say that the Heart Chakra is the most important, I do want to say that it is very important. Most of the world's spiritual traditions recognize love as the unifying force, the energy that is the most fundamental part of the universe, and of ourselves. To open to love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with our true essence, our spirit, and our soul.

If the heart chakra is closed or unbalanced one can feel paranoid, unworthy of love, afraid of getting hurt, hypertension, insomnia, difficulty breathing, heart disease, asthma, lungs, circulation, and shoulders and upper back pain. To help open this chakra Cobra, Forward Bend and Camel pose are excellent. Such gems as rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline, and kunizite help. At a higher vibration the heart is the color of pink. Chakracises include hugging yourself, 8 pushups even if against wall or 8 breast strokes in air to help move stuck energy.

Reading this affirmation also helps:
I sit alone with my heart and I ask the divine spark of Father God to blend with the intuitive wisdom of Mother Earth to open my heart to all they have to offer, to integrate their love into a self-love that overflows to all that I come in contact with. Search my heart for all suppressed emotions, for any resentments or buried anger. Find the guilt and bring it to all to the surface and bathe it in your light. Let me forgive myself and all others who have caused me any harm. May they forgive me if I have caused harm. Let me embrace your love as I fall in love with this new self forgiven, cleansed and filled with hope!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Tribute to Our Endangered Earth

With Earth Day coming up I wanted to take this opportunity to write about our endangered Earth. Earth is the body that holds us all and without a healthy Earth our health will be limited too. So here is my tribute.

In 1992 the world nations met at an "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro to discuss Earth's environmental problems. The largest gathering of head of state in the history of the world was called because of the danger of losing our planet. Most of the world came, but the United States, one of the largest polluters, didn't even participate. It was obvious that the political administration felt that money, jobs and the economy were more important than whether the Earth survived.

Five months later, on November 18, 1992, a document titled "World Scientists' Warning to Humanity" was released. More than 1600 senior scientists from 71 countries including over half of all living Nobel Prize winners, signed this document. It was the most alarming warning the world has ever received from such a powerful body of researchers. You would think that this document would hold great credibility and that the world would carefully listen. It began: "Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and animal kingdoms, and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know. Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision our present course will bring about."

The warning document then began to list the crises: polluted water, oceans, soil, atmosphere, diminishing plant and animal species and human overpopulation. The words became stern: "No more than one or a few decades remain before the change to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity immeasurably diminished. We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the Earth and life on it is required if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated."

Yet most of the world rejected this statement even though it was created by one of the most respected scientific bodies ever assembled on Earth. You would think we would pause and say, "If this is true, what can we do? Let's drop everything and do whatever is necessary." But the governments know that if we are to avert this crisis, we must change the way we live and that would not be politically comfortable.

The New York Times and the Washington Post, two of our most respected leaders in reporting the news, rejected this document as not newsworthy, This gives you a good idea of the importance we place on the planet itself. A good book to read more about this is The Sacred Balance, Rediscovering Our Place in Nature by David Suzuki.

We can't live without our oceans but NYC's sewer pipes go twenty miles out and dump all their human feces into the oceans. It was probably figured that the oceans can take care of it but for the last 70 years or so it has been building up. There is now a mountain of crap out in the ocean moving towards NYC. It would take more money than NYC has to fix it.

The red tide is the first deadly sign of the pollution of oceans. It is an algae that destroys everything that lives underneath it, it kills everything. And these red tides are beginning to sweep all over, especially around Japan. We've made a lot of mistakes all over the Earth because we don't have the consciousness to know how to live in harmony with our larger body, the planet.

So what do we do? How do we turn back the clock? We can't. All I ask is that you do your part in recycling, not wasting and supporting Mother Earth, because we only have one planet.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Own Your Power With a Balanced Solar Plexus

The 3rd chakra or solar-plexus is located just above the naval and below the rib cage. It is our energy center and it is where our Will Power comes from; our ability to achieve, self-esteem, raw emotions, and self-discipline are all governed by the solar-plexus. It is where we can have a mental understanding of our emotional self.

The solar-plexus not only governs the emotional and mental aspect of your psyche but also your psychic experiences. Often a feeling of intuition or “gut feeling” in a certain situation will benefit you greatly if you listen to it. All aspects of the digestive tract, including the assimilation of nutrients are controlled by the 3rd Chakra.

When this Chakra is in balance you will be in complete control over your emotions and thoughts. Your ego will have no unwanted influence over your actions. You will know without a doubt, and accept your place in the Universe, have self-love and, in turn, have a great appreciation for all the people in your life.

If you are interested in purchasing the solar plexus chakra yellow glasses just Click Here.

Over-active Solar-plexus Chakra

If your chakra is over-active you may be judgmental or critical – and you will easily find fault in others. You may be demanding and have extreme emotional problems, being very rigid or stubborn (it’s either your way or no way). Often anger, or aggressiveness result from an over-active chakra. You may always be planning to do things, but never doing, and your work or interests become a priority over things you have to do (a workaholic). You may also be a perfectionist and can’t settle on something that is already good enough, it always has to be better.

Under-active Solar-plexus Chakra

If this chakra is under active it can cause severe emotional problems. You may have a lot of doubt and mistrust towards the people in your life, and worry too much about what other people might think about you. In this way you are giving away your power to what you think others may be thinking of you.  You need to know that it is none of your business what other people think of you nor do you really have any control over it.  You may also run on “auto pilot” avoiding your feelings of depression or anxiety; you may feel afraid or alone when you start to look at what you have been avoiding. You also may feel that you are not good enough and be seeking a constant approval of others, this can lead to a need, or dependency on the people in your life.

Physical Symptoms of a Solar-plexus imbalance: Poor digestion, weight problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, arthritis, pacreas, liver or kidney problems, anorexia, bulimia, hepatitis, intestinal tumors, food allergies and colon disease.

Healing the Solar-plexus

There are many ways one can begin to balance their Chakras.

Affirmation for the Solar-plexus: I am confident in all that I do. I am successful and release my creative energy into this world, effortlessly.

Color of the solar-plexus is associated with the color yellow. You can picture a beautiful yellow sunflower where the chakra is located. Yellow candles, clothes or surrounding yourself with pictures of yellow things can begin to bring this chakra into balance.

Organs/Glands governed by the solar-plexus: Large Intestine, Stomach, Digestive System, Adrenal Glands, Pancreas, Liver, Lungs.

Stones that help the solar-plexus: citrine, topaz, yellow calcite

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils for the Solar-plexus: My favorite is Lemon but also rose, sandalwood, chamomile, rosemary, myrrh, frankincense.

Healing the Solar-plexus with Nature: The Solar-plexus’ Element is Fire. Taking a walk out in the sun is extremely beneficial. Sitting in front of a camp fire, or fire place can have an instant healing effect.

Solar plexus Chakra-cise – Movement is great for chakras.  Laughter moves all chakra energy. Specific movements to open up the Solar Plexus - do the twist, belly dance or hola hoop for at least 70 seconds.  Any Abdominal exercises.  Deep breathing with the diaphragm