Saturday, July 25, 2020

Poison and the Blood Brain Barrier

The Blood-Brain Barrier, or BBB, is a single-layered lattice of cells joined together by tight junctions that keep most substances out and allow few substances into the brain.Toxic substances typically kept out include heavy metals, pesticides, germs, plastics as well as damaging proteins while substances allowed in are oxygen, hormones, and nutrients.  Your bbb has tight junctions that become loose or broken with a protein called zonulin. Zonulin also breaks down the protective layer of your intestinal wall creating leaky gut.  Zonulin is increased in the body due to glyphosate (an herbicide found in our food from Roundup made by Monsanto).  To find out what foods contain glyphosate go to Detox Project website. Zonulin is also made in response to eating wheat.  With too much zonulin the bbb leaks letting toxins come into the brain causing damage and inflammation on the brain.  In other words, a Leaky Brain is an Inflamed Brain.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Leaky Brain?
Leaky Brain manifests as multiple signs and symptoms, so pay attention to these as opposed to ignoring them:

ADD/ADHD/Autism spectrum disorders
Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
Chronic fatigue that does not improve with rest or sleep
Headaches or migraines that come on suddenly, become worse with standing, and grow more severe as the day progresses
Memory loss or another cognitive decline which may lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Mood disorders, particularly anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia
Peripheral neuropathy 
It is important not to ignore these signs and symptoms because those living with Leaky Brain are at an increased risk of developing neurological or psychiatric conditions. 

What Causes Leaky Brain?
The profound connection between the brain and the gut cannot be underestimated as research repeatedly confirms that microbes living in the gut affect the brain both positively and negatively.

In fact, the stomach and small intestine contain a lining similar to the blood-brain barrier which also keeps harmful substances from entering the gut.

Therefore, many of the same factors that cause a leaky gut—poor gut health, unhealthy diet, food intolerances, food sensitivities, toxins and infections—can also create a leaky brain. For more information on Leaky gut listen to my podcast #13 Digestion Leaky Gut and Lectins.

Studies from Harvard show that wheat creates leaky gut because it contains  a protein called gliadin, which increases the zonulin.  Again it’s this Zonulin that weakens the tight junctions of the gut lining and BBB thereby contributing to leaky gut and leaky brain.

Five causes of Leaky Brain:
1.Gut Dysbiosis (infections)
2.Leaky Gut
3.Autoimmune Disease
4.Mental Health Conditions
5.Stress & Vagus Nerve Dysfunction

All five of these categories have inflammation as a basis for the problem, yet they become even more problematic in the following disease states:

Bacterial infections deteriorate the BBB allowing bacteria into the brain where they do not belong.
Mold toxins trigger inflammation, promote oxidative damage in the brain, and disrupt the BBB.
Excess glutamate overstimulates nerves causing the BBB to breakdown increasing permeability to potentially harmful agents.
High blood sugar and diabetes represent dramatic changes in blood sugar which produce oxidative stress and inflammation
Elevated homocysteine, seen in individuals living with heart disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease or those who survive a stroke, changes tight junction function and prevents the BBB from functioning properly.
Obesity increase oxidative damage and deprive the brain of oxygen.
Low quality sleep interrupts the sleep-wake cycle interrupting the uptake of nutrients and offload of toxins while increasing inflammation.

While it is more obvious that leaky brain causes inflammation which then drives mental health conditions, it is less known that mental health conditions can also drive inflammation and leaky brain.  The contributing factors could be:

The Brain-Gut Axis: The Vagus Nerve Connection
The brainstem connects to the vagus nerve, which in turn connects to all the digestive organs. The brain sends signals through the vagus nerve to the organs. The organs also send signals through the vagus nerve to the brain.

The vagus nerve initiates many important digestive functions such as stomach acid secretion, enzyme production, gallbladder function and intestinal motility.

If there is poor brain communication to the vagus nerve there can be many negative effects including:

Chronic inflammation
Poor digestion
Leaky gut
Inflamed brain

How to Reverse and Heal a Leaky Brain – Stop, Start, and Seek
Treating a leaky brain starts by healing a leaky gut. This involves eliminating all the causative factors of leaky gut and leaky brain and then adding dietary and lifestyle factors that support brain health.

Following these steps will lower inflammation in the body and brain, maximize the transport of oxygen, glucose, and other nutrients into the brain, facilitate better removal of toxins out of the brain, reduce oxidative stress, and help rebuild tight junctions to restore the integrity of the BBB.

Consuming gluten and foods that you cannot tolerate including sugar and processed foods in meals
Ignoring stress
Allowing bacterial and viral infections to fester before getting treatment
Drinking alcohol in excess
Exposure to environmental toxins in air, water and food
Eating nonorganic food that contains glyphosate

Detoxifying the body of pesticides,  and heavy metals
Taking in probiotic foods to keep the gut balanced
Eating essential fatty acids, which are vital for the brain, including avocado, coconut oil, flaxseed, hemp seed, oily fish, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts
Reducing inflammation through the diet  - Listen to our podcast on Chronic Inflammation
Making quality sleep a priority
Reducing psychological and emotional stress through exercise, meditation, journaling

Figure out what supplements you need to take to help repair the BBB including:
Acetyl L-Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Alpha-GPC, Angelica (Dong Quai) Extracts, Astragalus, Astaxanthin, Apigenin, B12-B6-Folate Mix, Berberine, Bitter Melon, Butyrate, Catechins, Chlorogenic-Acid, Citicoline, Collagen, Curcumin, Vitamin D3, Fish Oil, Ginseng, Licorice, Luteolin, Lycopene, Myoinositol, Magnesium, Melatonin, Methylene Blue, Olive Leaf Extract, Oxaloacetate, Parthenolide (Feverfew), Progesterone, Pterostilbene, Resveratrol, Rosmarinic Acid, Shilajit, Selenium, Sulforaphane, Ursolic Acid

There's lots of different supplements for support so it's best to get muscle tested for your exact nutritional support. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Understanding COVID-19 Antibody Testing

I have been getting a lot of questions lately about the Coronavirus antibody test so I wanted to take the time to explain it here.  If you have gotten tested for the antibodies and it is positive, that’s good news but experts aren’t sure exactly how good it is and here’s why.

If you have antibodies it means you have had a past infection with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Antibodies are proteins that help fight off infections and can provide protection against getting that disease again (you have immunity). Antibodies are disease specific. For example, measles antibodies will protect you from getting measles if you are exposed to it again, but they won’t protect you from getting other bacteria or viruses.  

When fighting an infection your white blood cells can produce these proteins to build immunity.  For every infection the body could make two different kinds of antibodies.  There are IgM antibodies, which happen early in an infection and IgG antibodies, which are more likely to show up later. But the body doesn’t always make antibodies when fighting an infection.  It is possible to have gotten infected with the coronavirus and not make antibodies.  

Most people have IgG antibodies about 14 days after symptoms start. They usually stay in your blood long after the infection goes away, but we don’t know how long that is for the new coronavirus.

Across the US, Americans are anxious to learn whether they may have been infected with the coronavirus – which they hope would offer some immunity. In New York, researchers found that 19.3%, which is well below the estimated 67% needed to achieve community immunity.  

But while the tests may be helpful in understanding how the virus moves through a population, researchers say much remains unknown: not all tests produce consistently accurate results, and scientists are still researching whether and for how long antibodies offer immunity from reinfection. The recommendation is to not change any social distancing or other practices based on an antibody test results, simply because we don’t know how long or even if there is protective immunity against reinfection if you’re antibody-positive. There are still too many unknowns, both about the accuracy of the antibody tests that are available and about the nature of the virus itself.

The World Health Organization, in late April, released a scientific brief that said, "There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection."  While studies of blood samples taken from people who have recovered from Covid-19 do show an immune response to the virus, some have "very low levels of neutralizing antibodies in their blood," WHO said.  It's possible that immunity may need to occur on a cellular level as well as via antibodies circulating in the blood.  "The body also makes T-cells that recognize and eliminate other cells infected with the virus. This is called cellular immunity," WHO explained.  Along with antibodies, the "combined adaptive response may clear the virus from the body, and if the response is strong enough, may prevent progression to severe illness or reinfection by the same virus," WHO said.

Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose a current COVID-19 infection. An antibody test may not show if you have a current COVID-19 infection because it can take 1–3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. To see if you are currently infected, you need a viral test. Viral tests identify the virus in samples from your respiratory system, such as a swab from the inside of your nose.

There are plenty of antibody tests floating around that haven't been reviewed or validated by the US Food and Drug Administration. According to the FDA, there are currently over 130 unvetted antibody tests in use, along with the dozens of diagnostic tests. The agency recently announced it was tightening its policy to keep unproven and even fraudulent tests from entering the market by requiring commercial test makers to meet new standards of accuracy and submit information proving testing quality. The FDA maintains a public website with the performance rates of the 12 EUA tests, showing how likely a certain test is to give false positive confirmations of the antibodies, and sensitivity, how likely the test will give a true positive result when someone has the virus. But the numbers can be hard to interpret by consumers who don’t have medical background

To date, the antibody test that seems to be the most accurate is made by Roche but that could be changing soon.  For more info on the Roche test,