The majority of the time I do a green smoothie (find recipe here) for breakfast. Loaded with super foods, healthy fats, and a healthy protein powder it really helps me get through the day. For the last 4 months or so I have added a scoop of wheat grass to it to make it even more 'green'. Wheat grass is a great source of chlorophyl which cleans the blood. It also helps alkalize the body which tends to be acidic plus a great source of vitamins and minerals. The company I was using was Amazing Grass and their scoop of organic wheat grass powder is 10 times more potent than a tray-grown wheat grass juice shot. I was thoroughly enjoying the boost when I ran across Organifi's Green Juice which not only has the wheat grass but also lots of other herbs and foods to make it that much more! I ordered some to try it out as I do with all sorts of health goodies and I was surprised to find it tasty and give me an even healthier boost!

The wheat grass powder I would never mix with water and drink by itself but with Organifi I easily can because of it's sweetness. It's only 1 gram of sugar but its ingredients has coconut water that makes it sweet along with red beet root. For adrenal support it has ashwagandha in it. For anti-inflammatory help it has turmeric. It also contains horseradish tree, spirulina, chlorella and matcha green tea so something definitely to drink in the morning and not 5pm like I first did when I got home from the day and saw the package and wanted to try it right away! All ingredients are organic and delicious and Dr. Armitstead recommended. If you want to try it, it's in the office for $70 for 30 scoops or read about it more and order here.