Sunday, September 10, 2023

Serve to Win

Watching Novak win the US Open today brought me back to when I first saw him play in person at the US Open in 2011 and I was like who is this guy? He had a different game than what I was used to.  Watching him on TV you noticed he played differently but in person it was even more confusing.  I love watching tennis and played in high school.  When I watched him that day in person I wasn’t sure if he was bringing to the court a Serbian way of playing or just his way.  I wasn’t sure if his wins were pure luck or actual skill.  Did he have an actual strategy or was he just that fast and flexible as he literally skidded from side to side at the baseline? 

After reading his book, Serve to Win, I know now he had a strategy and was playing differently because he was accentuating his strengths which happened to be his speed and agility which he attributes to only having after giving up gluten.  Before giving up gluten any major tennis match he would lose his endurance and start making errors but once he gave up gluten he became number one in the world in 2011 and continues to go strong 11 years later, winning Wimbledon just a few months ago in July.  

What you eat makes a difference in your health and your performance.  What you eat can make the difference between being number 1 in the world versus number 2 and Novak is a walking testimonial of that.  The idea of going gluten-free was introduced to him by a doctor who uses muscle testing.  We use homeopathic test kits in the office to muscle test the body for all sorts of foods and toxins but what this doctor did was put a literal piece of bread to Novak’s body and his arm went weak showing Novak he is sensitive to gluten.  

Novak couldn’t believe what he was feeling.  He describes the first time he gets muscle tested in the book as mind blowing.  I can’t imagine what it felt like for Novak to be muscle tested, for his arm to go weak. We innately want to be strong but Novak’s life dream depended on the strength of his arm. He also writes about how hard it was to give up gluten for his family owned a pizza parlor.  Bread was his life, literally.  He writes, ‘‘The idea of giving up bread and other gluten content, foods that are so precious to me, so ingrained in my life, my family, and my culture, was scary. I’m sure you can relate.”  He went threw withdrawal.  His family thought he was crazy but he was determined to give it up for 2 weeks.  After 2 weeks the doctor told him to have a bagel and see how he felt.  Novak was miserable and since then he has never had gluten and this was 13 years ago.  

The book is an easy, enjoyable read.  Novak gives reference to one of my favorite books, Power Vs Force, that explains more about muscle testing.  For more about Power vs. Force watch this video of my explanation. He even explains that if you muscle test with your cell phone as a party trick the radiation from the cell phone will make your arm go weak and it’s fun to watch people’s expressions.

There is a section of the book titled New Food, New Life where Novak explains the Chinese medicine theory that not only does your body have an innate biorhythm but so does each of your organs at a different time of day.  I already knew about this Chinese medicine theory of each organ having a different biorhythm and believe in it.  For example Heart is weakest at 11pm-1am and strongest 12 hours later 11am-1pm.  So sleep during this time is so effective for restoring the body.  It is also why medical doctors say that after a heart attack if the patient makes it through the night then their chance of survival skyrockets.  

The book has meal plans, great recipes and chapter 6 is about mindfulness.  He titles it ‘Training the Mind’.  Novak gets it.  How important it is to manage stress, what stress does to the body and how important mind AND body health are.  The body cannot heal if the mind keeps stressing out.  It’s that simple.  He then shares easy mindfulness tips that can make a big difference in your life.  If you need motivation on your healing journey I highly suggest this quick easy read to inspire you!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Keto Green

I am truly saddened by the state of human health in today’s modern society and frustrated with our medical system that has not been addressing the underlying reasons we are getting sick. Chronic diseases are the number one reason that our lifespan is getting shorter, despite access to top medical care. Through my medical practice and research, I’ve come to understand that systemic inflammation and hormone imbalance is the common denominator in diseases like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and others. What is the the main reason why one would have inflammation? The answer is in the food we eat. As scary as that sounds, the reality is that we have control over it. That what you eat makes a difference and that the incredible reality is that you have the power to prevent and even reverse symptoms of aging and degeneration, and achieve optimal health and longevity. I know this to be possible because I see it every day in the office.  

I love muscle testing to get specific biofeedback from the body on what foods to eat or not eat to help patients with all sorts of symptoms.  Headaches, infertility, skin rashes, allergies can all be helped by what you eat. To help patients eat low-carb and more veggies my favorite book to recommend is Keto-Green by Anna Cabeca.

In the book she explains how it works to eat low carb and put the body into keto. It’s not like the original Keto diet because it doesn’t have dairy in it and does a lot of veggies and healthy plant-based fats. Vegans and vegetarians can do the Keto-Green diet too. She tells you exactly what to buy to stock your kitchen with Keto-Green foods to cover all of your bases.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) model over previous decades has pushed the low-fat diet paradigm, which has led us down a dangerous path. In the end, more and more individuals and health experts are realizing that this dietary false assumption was actually making us sick and fat, not to mention leaving us hungry, cranky and deprived. Thankfully, science has solidly proven that healthy fats are definitely not what is making us fat, and in fact is necessary and foundational to human health and hormone balance. The real culprits are excess carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates and sugars that contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic diseases in modern day society. For 21 days I have tested all of the recipes from the Keto-Green book and rest assured, they are easy to follow (the average dinner takes 30 minutes to make) and they won’t spike blood sugar. You’ll adopt a plan that keeps you truly satiated while supporting weight loss, fat burning, hormone balance, alkalinity, and better health.

A good general rule of thumb when grocery shopping is to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store, as this is where the real foods live. By real foods, I mean fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and (for some) high quality dairy. You might peruse the inner aisles for oils and a few other ingredients for your kitchen, but in general you’ll be looking for unprocessed foods that come from nature. As the well-known health writer Michael Pollan eloquently asserts: “don’t eat anything your great grandparents wouldn’t have recognized as food.”

The book gives you a list of 16 food types that you can eat, carefully chosen for their ability to burn fat, balance hormones, keep your body in an alkaline state, promote a healthy gut microbiome, support cognitive health and much more. If you are looking for better health and want to reduce inflammation and/or balance hormones I highly suggest Keto-Green diet.   

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Energy Medicine: Medisend Therapy

 At Healing Arts as we research and our understanding of the human body continues to grow we are discovering new ways to help support and heal the body with energy. We are already getting great results with the Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy (PEMF).  It helps with reducing inflammation, improving circulation, pain relief and increasing energy especially in patients with chronic fatigue. I loved the results with PEMF therapy that we have also applied energy medicine to create personalized homeopathic tinctures that we now make at the Tea Bar.  

Having personally struggled with on and off again parasite infections for years knowing that herbal medicine and Nutrition Response Testing could kill it  but every 6 months or so they would come up again I felt like I wasn’t getting rid of the parasite infection completely but managing it well.  Having grown up on a farm I’m sure parasites were part of my daily life being around so many animals so wanting to get rid of the parasites that have been in my body for decades I turned to energy medicine and fell in love with the Medisend machine.

To understand how the Medisend machine works you have to understand that the human body has an electrical current running through it and this electricity creates a magnetic field around the body.  A strong magnetic field equals a healthy body. A weak magnetic field equals an unhealthy body.  A great example of how the human body has electricity running through it is that electricity is applied to a stopped heart to get it to contract again.  The common defibrillator uses high voltage of 200-1,000 volts to shock the heart and force it to resume its normal electrical activity.  

The Medisend uses electricity and magnetic voltage to give the cells healthy battery juice and not shock the system back to life like a defibrillator.  The magnetic field therapy device developed by Dr. W. Ludwig generates alternating electromagnetic fields which create biological resonance effects with the body. It resets the nervous system to regulate the body and activate the self-healing capacities. The device works with weak, rapidly changing electromagnetic fields in the low and high frequency range. As the energy goes into the body patients usually don’t feel anything.  The energy is that subtle to not disturb the body’s natural process as it goes into the cells. This type of energy medicine works because it directly interacts with the cells in your body. By offering treatment at the cellular level, your body can begin repairing itself at a deep level, a level that sometimes nutrition or chiropractic can’t get to by itself.  That’s how the use of the Medisend can really excel improvements.  

The Medisend technology was developed by Dr. W. Ludwig's (1927 – 2004). His ambition was to generate a device that created electromagnetic waves that the body would understand and use to heal. They have to be natural as in undisturbed nature to be able to cause a reaction in the body. Therefore he did research about the environmental signals that surround us naturally. (Schumann frequency, Geomagnetic and Solar frequencies). His doctoral research study was about the influence of electromagnetic fields to the nervous system. In the 1970s he designed his first magnetic field device in a plastic soap dish.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Science of a Gut Feeling


That gut feeling that creeps up at times is more accurate than most people realize. The gut-brain axis is a system of communication between the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the brain that goes both ways and is responsible for monitoring physiological homeostasis. It connects both the emotional and cognitive areas of the brain with functions associated with the intestines including immune activation, intestinal permeability, and endocrine signaling.

Bi-directional communication between the gut and brain is largely carried out by the vagus nerve, which carries a wide range of signals between the gut and brain and is involved in many bodily processes ranging from swallowing to heart rate regulation to digestion. Other systems also contribute to the gut-brain axis, including the sympathetic nervous system, enteric nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, endocrine and immune systems. The gut-brain axis is being increasingly studied for its role in the development, but also the therapeutic treatment, of inflammatory bowel disease, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.  Yes, depression and PTSD can be helped if you heal the gut.  

The role of of healthy gut microbiome in the gut-brain axis

The gut microbiome is an extremely important part of the GI tract, and as such, a critical player in the gut-brain axis. Bacteria in the gut microbiome synthesize and produce important metabolites that affect the brain, including the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, GABA, acetylcholine, and histamine.

These metabolites can signal at the local level or travel to the brain where they affect signaling and function in brain cells.  Other components of the gut microbiome, including healthy fungi, also contribute to the communication along the gut-brain axis.

Bacteria in the GI tract also synthesize compounds that may act as neuro-mediators in the brain, including short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), aromatic amino acids, and bile acids. SCFAs indirectly affect the gut-brain axis through inducing the release of several gut hormones, including leptin, which interact with the vagus nerve and receptors in the brain. SCFAs also contribute to the maintenance of physical barriers including the intestinal barrier, via tight junctions, as well as the blood brain barrier. Tight junctions are critical to the maintenance of intestinal permeability, preventing pathogens from entering the bloodstream and causing immune and inflammatory responses, including neuroinflammation.  In our office we do a lot to help heal the intestinal wall.  When it leaks we call it leaky gut and a lot can be done with food to heal it.  We also do a lot to help heal a leaky brain too. 

Imbalance in the composition of the gut microbiome, called dysbiosis, can affect the gut-brain axis and peripheral organs. Unhealthy diet, stress, infections, and antibiotics contribute to dysbiosis, leading to altered SCFA production and gut permeability, which induces systemic inflammation, increases blood brain barrier permeability, and ultimately results in neuroinflammation, an important step in the development of neurological conditions such as depression and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Gut hormones

The gut-brain axis is heavily involved in the digestion process, including regulating the rate of nutrient absorption and release of gut hormones. Gut hormones are regulatory peptides that influence the control of food intake by regulating satiety, gastric emptying, and energy balance. Signaling molecules released after ingestion of food are communicated to the brain via the gut-brain axis and the brain can then signal for the release of hunger-regulating hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin, to help with the digestion process via the gut-brain axis.

The Gut-Brain Axis and the HPA Axis

The gut-brain axis and the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), which coordinates the response to stress, both involve signaling in the brain and the ability to respond to stimuli. Signaling molecules that are generated by the HPA axis in response to stress travel throughout the body and affect the gut microbiome and gut microbiome conversely influence HPA axis response to stress. The vagus nerve is critical in coordinating the connection between these axes as it is able to detect different metabolites produced by the gut flora responding to stress and generate a response in the central nervous system.

Because the HPA axis and gut-brain axis are closely connected, improper activation of the HPA axis affects the gut-brain axis. Dysregulation of the HPA axis can alter the composition of the gut microbiome, negatively affecting intestinal barrier integrity, and negatively influence the metabolism of tryptophan metabolites, important modulators of the gut-brain axis. Improper activation of the HPA axis can also lead to increased intestinal, systemic, and neurological inflammation.  

Disorders Related to the Gut-Brain Axis

Because the gut affects so much we specialize in creating a healthy gut microbiome by first helping patients detox and then kill bad gut flora.  After that is accomplished we then put good gut flora in.  Even when it comes to depression and anxiety, we help patients heal the gut and they feels so much better! To understand more about the 4 steps to heal the gut watch this video:

The composition of the gut microbiome and diet, among other lifestyle factors, can lead to emotional balance and mood disorders. However, mood disorders and emotional balance are also linked to changes in gut microbiome and to a poor diet, which can further exacerbate the issue. When patients first come to Healing Arts they are stuck in a cycle where they don’t feel good so they eat poorly and end up feeding the bad gut flora that grows and continues to make them feel bad.  Stopping this cycle is the first thing we have to do.  


Treatment with probiotics has been shown to decrease stress-induced inflammatory responses, reducing symptoms of stress including anxiety- and depression-like behaviors. Probiotics may be able to restore neuroplasticity in certain areas of the brain as well as restore intestinal barrier integrity and help regulate the HPA axis. So not only does it work in the gut but also the brain. Probiotics with anti-inflammatory effects that may be useful in treating patients with psychiatric disorders have been given a new grouping, called psychobiotics. There are lots of different types of probiotics and getting muscle tested for the specific one for your body is important.  

Dietary components

Diets high in saturated fats, including the Standard American Diet, can lead to gut microbiome dysbiosis and obesity, characterized by high levels of inflammation. This can lead to changes in neurotransmitter metabolism, further impacting the gut-brain axis.  A high fat diet may also result in impaired neuroplasticity in key brain regions and impair the intestinal barrier and mucus layer of the gut.

Conversely, the Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, whole grains and lean protein foods, provides many dietary compounds that support both brain and gut health. If you aren’t going to get muscle tested for your specific diet then you may want to consider the Mediterranean diet.  A Mediterranean-style diet can reduce intestinal inflammation, cognitive impairment, and risk of certain neurological diseases. The diet is also full of dietary fiber which helps promote SCFA production, increases the diversity of the gut microbiome, and inhibits neuroinflammation induced by a high fat diet. Healthier diets also tend to contain more fruits and vegetables which are naturally higher in prebiotics and polyphenols. Polyphenols exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and can also modulate the gut microbiome.


Engaging in regular exercise, including aerobic exercises and yoga, supports the health of the gut-brain axis. Exercise improves cognition and can improve symptoms of both mood and psychological disorders.  It can also boost the diversity of the gut microbiome, leading to an increase in SCFA production, which promotes healthy functioning of both the gut and brain, decreasing depression and anxiety and increasing HPA axis balance.

The gut-brain axis connects emotional and cognitive areas of the brain with gut functions. What was once thought to be two distinct systems of the body are intricately connected and regulated, with important consequences for the rest of the body. A healthy gut = a healthy brain and emotional life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tea to Help with Blood Sugar

I love getting muscle tested for a personalized tea blend at the Healing Arts Tea Bar. It is the holiday season and with that comes more treats so having a tea specifically to lower blood sugar can be helpful.  There are 8 specific teas we test for that can lower blood sugar.  When we make a personalized blend people usually test for 3 different teas that we then blend together before putting in the tea bag and serving.

If you don’t test for teas to help with blood sugar you may test for other ones.  We have over 25 different organic teas from around the world! Our tea menu is different than anything you have ever seen before.  We have the teas listed and you can pick one and enjoy it either stay at the tea bar or take it to go but what is different is on the back of the menu is a list of symptoms and you can choose the symptom you want to work on and then get muscle tested for which 3 herbs your body needs.  So you don't choose your tea but your body does!

Besides getting a cup of hot tea we can also make a container for you of your personalized blend that is 12 servings. Here is the list of teas we have that can help balance your blood sugar:

Black tea-Digestion, blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, brain health, heart health, improves blood pressure

Cinnamon- Blood sugar, anti inflammatory, lower cholesterol Robots

Nettle-Blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, pain relief 

Holy Basil/Tulsi - Digestion, blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, lower cholesterol, brain health, immunity booster, weight loss support, skin support, respiratory support, eye support, detox 

Marshmallow Root- Digestion, blood sugar, acid reflux, immunity booster, weight loss, women’s health, skin support, anti-aging, constipation, detox, liver support pain relief, heart support

Ginger  - Digestion, anti-inflammatory, lower cholesterol, brain health, immunity booster, weight loss, women’s health, pain relief, heart support, blood sugar

Green tea  - Heart support, anti-aging, weight loss support, immune support, brain health, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar

Sunday, September 25, 2022

How Chiropractic Saved My LIfe

I’ve been reminiscing lately and realized that after writing all these blogs I never really shared my story, my healing story.  At 12 years old I was diagnosed with asthma after landing in the hospital not able to breath after my first NYC trip.  Ironic that the air pollution of NYC gave me my first asthma attack and that where I decided to open up my practice 16 years ago.  I was a runner throughout middle school and high school and my asthma was getting worse and worse.  At 16 years old we were looking for alternatives because my asthma was so bad I had to quite cross country and track. I was sick and tired of the inhalers and emergency room visits.  I absolutely hated the prednisone medication….and i was getting worse and worse every year so we were desperate to find a solution. My mom heard of a chiropractor who may be able to help but he was 2 hours away.  Well, we were desperate enough to give it a try.  He used muscle testing also known as applied kinesiology to help me find out what toxins were in my body causing the asthma and also directed me in what supplements to take that would support my lungs.  With the right nutritional support and lifestyle changes I was asthma free in 2 years and I have not used my inhaler since!

Being so inspired I knew I wanted to do what he did and he was a chiropractor who specialized in nutrition.  So I naturally went to chiropractic school. Chiropractic medicine is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs and surgery. We go to different colleges than medical doctors.  We don’t learn about drugs but have more anatomy and physiology and learn how to help the body by working on the muscles, joints and spine.  The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.


The Goal of Chiropractic Because chiropractic treatments are primarily applied to the spinal region, many individuals incorrectly assume that chiropractors treat only back and neck issues. While we do quickly and effectively eliminate back and neck pain, it’s not the only goal. The objective is to restore and optimize human health by better nerve and blood flow to all areas of the body.  We do this by correcting misalignments in the spine, opening up tight muscles strengthening weak ones.  

How can the same chiropractic treatment which effectively treats my back pain also optimize my health? The answer can be found by looking into the relationship between the spine and the nervous system.

As you may already know, the nervous system is the master controller of all living cells, tissues and organs; orchestrating and coordinating all cellular functions. The spinal column encases the nervous system (spinal cord and nerve roots) and is responsible for its protection.

Because of this intimate relationship, misalignments in the spinal column can irritate parts of the nervous system. This irritation can result from inflammatory biochemicals released during injury or may result from direct pressure during an injury. In either case, the functioning of the nervous system is negatively influenced as is the nerves themselves and the organs that they go to.

In short, because the body’s innate recuperative powers are affected by and integrated through the nervous system, correcting spinal abnormalities which irritate the nervous system can lead to a number of favorable results in patients suffering from various, seemingly non-spinal health conditions.


What Chiropractors Do Chiropractors are primarily concerned with locating and treating misaligned joints, especially in the spine but could be anywhere in the body.  We also want to open up and relax tight muscles not only to help patients get out of pain but also because muscles attach to joints and if they are too tight they can pull the joint out of place and our adjustments do not hold.  

At Healing Arts, we use Applied Kinesiology to check the patient’s spine for any misalignments, fixations or other abnormalities (vertebral subluxations). If subluxations or other abnormalities are detected, the chiropractor will generally apply a gentle force in a corrective manner to the affected spinal area using their hands or  an activator. Chiropractors use many specialized techniques to identify and treat these spinal abnormalities and optimize overall health. 

In addition to spinal adjustive techniques we also use soft tissue techniques, physical therapies, and lifestyle modification programs to help the patient regain health.

We also use the muscle testing or Applied Kinesiology to identify which organs are weak in the body and using these homeopathic vials identify which toxins are causing the organ to go weak and then what nutritional supplement to use to help that organ.  This is how we identify the root cause of a person’s health concern.  

Chiropractors first got into the nutrition field in the 1940s when they realized that their adjustments were not holding well.  What used to take a chiropractor 2-3 adjustments to heal was now taking 12+ adjustments and it wasn’t like they were worse adjusters. So chiropractors started looking for the source and realized that people were becoming more toxic and these toxins were interfering with the nervous system not allowing the adjustments to hold.  This time period also correlated with food companies putting more sugar into the food and the birth of  canned foods.  

Even though chiropractors understood that what you ate and lifestyle changes made a difference in your health it wasn’t until the 1960s that Dr. George Goodheart developed Applied Kinesiology, also known as muscle testing.   


The Benefits of Chiropractic

Short-term and regular chiropractic care can offer a number of benefits including but not limited to:

spinal and extremity pain relief

headache relief

increased mobility and range of motion

decreased stiffness and muscular spasms

arthritic joint pain relief

increased joint health

increased performance and energy

increased sense of well being and relaxation

increased balance and coordination

reduced degeneration and risk of injury

enhanced tissue healing

decreased tissue inflammation

We also treat kids and babies and help them with


trouble sleeping


too much spitting up


Monday, April 4, 2022

What to Do With Seasonal Allergies

 Do you experience:

Environmental allergies that make you dread seasonal changes?

“Food Allergies” that severely limit your diet (and nourishment)?

Sensitivities to things in your environment that restrict your quality of life?

Symptoms or unwanted health conditions that simply won’t respond, or only respond to treatment temporarily?

These symptoms could be signs of allergies.  If you have allergies, there is an alternative to medication and the impracticality of avoidance…It is AACT, Accelerated Allergy Clearing Technique. Dr. Armitstead has been doing the technique since 2009 with great success.

Allergies are versatile. They can show up just about anywhere in your body and provide a variety of issues. They can affect your nose, eyes, throat, lungs, stomach, skin and nervous system. They can give you a bellyache, a rash and even bring on fatigue and headache.

In our experience, when major allergies, both food and/or environmental, are present and not handled, they are often interfering with the body’s normal function, repair, and self-correcting mechanisms. Autoimmune disease have risen dramatically due to high levels of pollution in the air. This represents a major health problem that experts now think affects one third of the whole population. And if they are not managed properly, people begin to deal with it by avoiding the modern world.

Food sensitivities, environmental allergies, and chemical sensitivities are afflicting more and more people and an individual can be allergic or sensitive to any number of substances including: foods, molds, pollens, animal dander, chemicals, fabrics, medications, MSG, food additives, etc. Allergy symptoms can be over-reactions of the immune system while and/or an imbalance in the body's nervous system. An imbalance in the body's energy can lead to decreased health, so clearing allergies and sensitivities is one way to improve the overall immune system. 

The allergy clearing procedure is a gentle, painless, non-invasive way to relieve symptoms by utilizing acupressure, muscle testing, and nutrition to address underlying problems and bring balance to the body. It is safe on the youngest to oldest of patients. Most begin to notice improvement in just a few sessions, but the full benefit is seen as a patient's overall health improves with the combination of the clearing plus vitamin supplementation. Some common changes with the allergy clearing include: elimination of lactose intolerance, reduction or elimination of IBS, sinus relief, seasonal allergy relief, elimination of eczema and hives, reduction of fatigue, improvement of ADD symptoms, decreased gluten intolerance and bowel gas, and elimination of asthma, just to name a few. 

The following are symptoms that may be related to allergies or sensitivities. If you experience any of these conditions and have not found relief, you may be a candidate for allergy clearing. Symptoms including: acne, canker sores, dark circles under eyes, eczema, hives, itching, constipation, diarrhea, gas, heartburn, vomiting, IBS, asthma, coughing, sinusitis, stuffy nose, bedwetting, joint pains, anxiety, fatigue, bloating, hyperactivity, learning disorders, arthritis, hay fever, post nasal drip, red ear lobes, red cheeks, ear infections, headaches, sore throats, and weight gain.

Besides AACT we also have very natural, strong anti-histamine supplements that can help reduce your allergy symptoms without the drowsy side effects of medication.  One supplement in particular Dr. Armitstead developed called inflammation relief that can help.  

Patients come to Healing Arts with all sorts of health concerns. Headaches, bloating, acne, constipation, insomnia, fatigue, infertility, eczema, brain fog, the list can go on and on.  Our answer is always the same, muscle test the body to see what toxins the body is holding in order to reduce inflammation.  Inflammation in the head is a headache or migraine.  Inflammation in the joints is pain.  Inflammation in the gut is bloating.  You take a deep breath and if the body reacts to the dust or pollen in the air inflammation will increase in the body, causing your allergy symptoms.  The root cause of all dis-ease is inflammation.  What we find with the muscle testing is why.  Is the reason for the inflammation heavy metals, heavy chemicals, bad flora, parasites, or a food sensitivity?  We fell in love with the technique of muscle testing because it is so fast and noninvasive, giving me and my patients answers.  

When starting to detox and supporting the body with the right nutrition it takes time to get the inflammation down and yet we wanted patients to get symptomatic relief as soon as possible and we have noticed throughout the years we would have to give 2-3 different anti-inflammatory supplements to do the job depending on how severe the inflammation or allergies were so Dr. Armitstead decided to make her own supplement, called Inflammation Relief, that contained everything to help lower the inflammation.  It contains  Curcumin, Pepperine (Black Pepper), Fenugreek, Gotu Kola, Quercitin, Boswelia, Bromelain, and Magnesium lactate.

You can also oil pull every morning to help clean out the lymphatic system and reduce inflammation especially in the sinuses.  Oil pulling as we know it today, was introduced in 1992 by Dr. F. Karach, MD. He claimed that oil pulling could cure a variety of illnesses ranging from heart disease and digestive troubles to hormonal disorders. Dr. Karach’s method of oil pulling emphasis swishing, not gargling, the oil in the mouth. The oil is “worked” in the mouth by swishing and chewing it around the mouth and ‘swizzling’ it (pushing it through the teeth) for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. The best time is in the morning before eating breakfast, but can be done before any meal on an empty stomach.

At the Healing Arts Tea Bar we also have teas that can help with allergies that we can muscle test you for your own personal tea blend.  For allergy symptoms we test for Cinnamon, Turmeric, Green Tea, Ginger, Sarsaparilla, Nettle, Holy Basil, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Echinacea.  

Also at the Wellness Center to help with allergies and get the inflammation down we have the nasal ozone treatment and salt booth therapy.  For nasal ozone treatments breathe in microscopic organic olive oil (made in a glass jar to be Healing Arts approved because it can’t be in plastic or aluminum) treated with the extra oxygen from the ozone.  Inhaling ozone this way helps to reduce allergy symptoms, sinus pain, headaches and inflammation throughout the body.  The salt booth is where you take deep breaths of air with microscopic salt in it.  The specialized salt goes into the sinuses and lungs breaking up mucus and reducing inflammation.  

So if you are suffering from allergies this spring know that we can help and there are lots of different ways to help support the body.