Monday, August 4, 2014

Are Parasites Causing you Harm?

Dr. Oz says that 90% of Americans will have a parasite problem at some point in their lifetime. We, at Healing Arts NYC, tend to agree.

One of the most undiagnosed condition in America is parasites. The various statistics I have seen show that anywhere from 30% to 90% of Americans have parasites. Parasites can cause seemingly random symptoms in various organs of the body, with various degrees of severity. Some symptoms of parasites are the source of great agony, and some are barely noticeable. The most common symptoms are clenching or grinding of the teeth or jaw, bowel discomfort and anal itching. Read through this article to get more of an idea if you might be affected by parasites.

Parasites can be big, like tapeworms: fifteen feet long. They can also be single-celled; only visible with a microscope. They can live anywhere in the body; in the sinuses, around the ears, in the heart and, of course, the intestines. But don't worry, for in my experience, all parasites are treatable and once gone give patients a lot of symptomatic relief.

One of my colleagues grew up in a family of butchers. He could see which cows were sick just by cutting the jaw muscles. Upon slicing the jaw muscles of the sick cows, parasite eggs could be seen. This is a common reason why people grind their teeth at night--because parasites inhabit the jaw muscles. Jaw grinding happens primarily at night when parasites are more active.
Not all parasites lay eggs but some do. The eggs hatch around the time of the full moon, give or take four days. When they hatch, it makes people act crazy. This is why police, teachers and emergency room doctors dread full moons--they will be busier.

In our office, we have seen parasites cause psoriasis, heart problems, constipation, diarrhea, muscle weakness, floaters in the eyes, junk food cravings, excessive appetite, allergies and depression. Many people who complete a parasite program report not only symptomatic relief but also that they are happier and enjoy the company of others more.

To get rid of parasites, Mother Nature has provided us with certain plants. In Japan, people use wasabi (with sushi) and in Mexico, it's hot peppers. In India, people use curry and turmeric to stay free of parasites. Many cultures throughout the world do a parasite cleanse every six months or once a year. The World Health organization recognizes Wormwood as an effective herb to kill parasites. When worms die, they can cause intestinal cramping, pain, diarrhea or constipation. In the toilet, the worms often look like angel hair pasta with a frayed end. They could be a few millimeters long to six inches long. One of my clinician friends had a patient who excreted a two foot roundworm.

To kill egg-laying parasites, it is necessary to take the herbs for ten days, then stop them for five days. This is because for ten days you are killing the "mother" parasite. It releases a chemical that prevents the eggs from hatching. When the mother is dead, the eggs start to hatch. Let them hatch for five days, then start back on the herbs. If you don't, the baby parasites will fight each other to become the next dominant worm. Cycle the program like this for 2 to 3 months. I have had many clients do a parasite program that they picked up at the health food store. I have never seen one of these work, primarily because there is no cycling of the herbs. The herbs may also be ineffective even when cycled properly because they may not be the correct herbs to target the specific parasite a person has. Certain herbs are more effective for certain parasites, and we can discern which herbs are appropriate via muscle testing. Parasites that do not lay eggs do not require cycling of the herbs.

Parasites are largely ignored by the medical profession. I have heard a lot of M.D.'s dismiss the topic by saying, "We don't have parasites in this country." Truthfully, the University of Michigan Parasitology Department identifies 100 parasites a day! I am amazed at the number of people who have health problems from parasites.

The sneaky thing about parasites is that out of more than 1,000 different kinds of parasites that can infect us, we can only detect about 50 of them through regular medical testing. The other 950+ can be found only through alternative methods of testing like Nutrition Response Testing. To be sure that you are free of parasites, call the office and asked to be checked. Bring your family as well, because we often share parasites with each other and our pets.

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