Monday, January 8, 2018

How to Reverse Radiation from being Harmful to Helpful Using this One Device

Many of us are aware of the ill effects of radiation on the body from xrays, microwaves, computers and cellphones.  Also called electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs, these waves of energy can cause headaches, rashes, fatigue, mood swing, irritability and sleep disturbances. The reason for such symptoms is because on a cellular level, the radiation can cause a “blow out “in your cells resulting in “holes” in the membranes causing inflammation. The higher the frequency, the greater the energy transmitted, the greater the damage. To read more on the damaging effects of emfs, click here.

So what do you do about something toxic that we use in our daily lives?  There are a lot of little things you can do to make big changes  such as use headphones when possible to keep the cell phone away from your head. Don't carry the cellphone in your pocket or on your body but instead in a bag or purse.  Don't sleep next to a charging cellphone. Use speaker phone instead of Bluetooth to reduce radiation emissions.  Earthing can give the body a boost and fight off radiation.  Earthing is walking bare foot in a park or on the beach to collect negative ions from the Earth to help balance out the excess positive ions that are in our body due to the radiation.  Purchasing a Himalayan salt lamp helps because it produces negative ions.   Unplug appliances and Wi-Fi when not in use.  I have seen these little changes make a big difference in people's lives but I wanted that one easy thing that could make all EMFs neutral and now I have found it!

I recently received the Lemurian Plug as a gift from a good friend of mine.  It is a small plastic box that you plug into any outlet in the house or apartment and it makes all the radiation that the house or apartment is giving off neutral!  When I went to the website about the Lemurian Plug I couldn't believe it.  I kept reading and reading and it truly sounded too good to be true!  Not only will this one thing neutralize your whole house but if you then plug your cell phone into another outlet in your house and let it charge up that frequency will then be transferred into your cell phone! Now you can use your cell phone to transmit the same healing frequency as the Lemurian Plug.  

I was skeptical at first but understood the physics behind it so I knew it could be possible. So the next thing I did was test it out.  Knowing that my cell phone always makes me go weak when muscle testing it, I plugged my phone in same room with the Lemurian Plug and then muscle tested myself with my phone again and I didn't go weak! That was enough proof for me that at least the Plug has enough power to neutralize my phone to no longer hinder my health and buy enough to sell at the office to make it easily available for my patients at $35 per plug.  

The website also says if you have pain or a sore shoulder, neck, knee, wrist (tunnel carpal), elbow, sprained ankle, knee, etc., plug an extension cord into an outlet and then gently wrap the extension cord around the area. (Don't cut off blood flow!) Each time you wrap the cord around, you intensify the strength. For example, 5 times around is 5 times the strength. The extension cord is picking up the frequency of the Plug through the outlet. Use this method 5 times or more and you may get some powerful relief. Do this near your bedtime for about half an hour. Then place your cell phone on the problem area with a bandage or wrap to secure it to the sore area and go to bed. People with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) put it on their chest.

Fortunately or unfortunately I don't have any pain to test this out so if you do and you try it please leave a comment and let me know of your experience.  How amazing it would be if it was true that EMFs that were once so harmful to us could actually be helpful!  We have them in the office for purchase or online, $39. 

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