How Toxic is Your Food?
As one of the world’s most common herbicides, glyphosate (the main chemical in “Roundup”) is present in a lot of different foods and is now labeled as a possible carcinogenic since 2015 by the World Health Organization. I would say it is carcinogenic, for even last month a man was awarded $289 million from Monsanto after Roundup was found liable for causing his non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. He used Roundup as part of his job as a pest control manager for a California county school system. There are over 5,000 more similar lawsuits filed against Monsanto in the United States. Yet there are 800 scientific studies and reviews that support the fact that glyphosate does not cause cancer so I guess the verdict is still out. Yet I don't think it should be. There is so much research showing that glyphosate has two primary damaging effects. 1) An endocrine disruptor and toxin that accumulates in the liver and bone marrow, lowering immune system and healthy cell replication. 2) It is a potent anti-biotic that kills or damages gut bacteria.
Last December Ministers of Environment or Agriculture of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Malta and Greece told the European Commission that a new study on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate and also a study to identify alternatives to the world’s most used herbicide were needed. Finding an alternative is needed because the European Parliament has expressed its support for the adoption of necessary measures to phase out the active substance glyphosate in the European Union by 15 December 2022 at the latest.
I'm grateful Europe is making headway and who knows when the U.S. will get on board. Until the U.S. does we have to do our best as consumers and learn what not to buy while making sure we detox the pesticides and herbicides that we do consume. There are lots of reasons to not eat the following foods but I listed them so you could see how it is present in just about everything.
- Kellog’s Raisin Bran
- Kellog’s Corn Flakes
- Kashi Organic Promise
- Kellog’s Special K
- Kellog’s Frosted Flakes
- Original Cheerios
- Honey Nut Cheerios
- Wheaties
- Trix
- Annie’s Gluten Free Bunny Cookies Cocoa & Vanilla
- Cheez-It Original
- Cheez-It Whole Grain
- Kashi Soft Bake Cookies, Oatmeal, Dark Chocolate
- Ritz Crackers
- Triscuit Crackers
- Oreo Original
- Oreo Double Stuf Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
- Oreo Double Stuf Golden Sandwich Cookies
- Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips (Frito-Lay)
- Lay’s: Kettle Cooked Original
- Doritos: Cool Ranch
- Fritos (Original) (100% Whole Grain)
- Goldfish crackers original (Pepperidge Farm)
- Goldfish crackers colors
- Goldfish crackers Whole Grain
- Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies
- Lucy's Oatmeal Cookies Gluten Free
- 365 Organic Golden Round Crackers
- Back to Nature Crispy Cheddar Crackers
The top 3 things you can do to avoid ingesting glyphosate is:
- Avoid the primary GMO foods: all soy, corn, canola and the animals that eat it too including the resulting meats, poultry, dairy and eggs
- Avoid all non-organic cereals and grains, which are harvested with glyphosate, including wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, rice, oats, rye, sorghum, wild rice, popcorn, and teff.
- Avoid additives such as corn syrup, maltodextrin, fructose, baking powder, natural flavors, and cornstarch.
- Eating non-GMO is not enough. All your food should be as organic as possible.

The food industry’s rapid response to public interest in non-GMO foods shows that they’re really listening to the marketplace. If you’re seriously interested in clean food, then vote with your money. Let the industry know we want CLEAN FOOD, and we want it NOW. We want non-GMO food that’s raised in a sustainable manner, in harmony with the planet, without harmful chemicals. We want no Glyphosate, Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos, Metolachlor, or any of the thousands of other harmful chemicals that kill bees, humans, and damage the environment.

To avoid both GMO’s and Glyphosate, look for the USDA Organic label, when possible. Talk to your local farmers and find out which ones are using sustainable organic practices. They may not be certified organic, but they’ll know a lot about it, and will be able to guide you. Fresh, local unprocessed fruits and vegetables immediately after picking, are the most nutritious foods on the planet.