Tuesday, September 18, 2018

8 Steps to Better Brain Health

Brain Health

Brain fog, lack of concentration, feeling tired, poor memory and headaches are all signs that your brain isn't getting the right nutritional support it needs.  Supporting the brain is not easy because of the blood-brain barrier that is a sheet of capillaries that carry blood to the brain and spinal cord that blocks the passage of certain substances.  This filtering system is important to keep toxins from reaching the brain and spinal cord but also doesn't allow many nutrients into the brain as well.

So what can we do to help the brain knowing that not all things can pass the blood-brain barrier?  Here is a list of my favorite things.  Everyone is different and may need different things for support so getting muscle tested is the key to figuring out exactly what you need.

1. Protein - A lack of protein in the diet can cause the brain to slow down.  If you are a vegetarian make sure you are eating enough protein and supplementing with vitamin B12.  The brain loves vitamin Bs and B12 can only be found in meat.  Another good supplement is a vegan supplement from Standard Process called RNA.  RNA is the building blocks of protein and this supplement can really help rebuild the brain at the cellular level.

2, Vetiver Essential Oil - The moment you smell something it goes into the brain because the olfactory nerve responsible for smell goes straight into the brain.  So any smell is fast acting and when you put vetiver oil in a diffuser or on your wrists it helps with boost energy levels when you’re exhausted. In addition, it’s used to cool the body during very high temperatures and soothe feelings of anxiety and nervousness.  Recent research credits vetiver oil for treating symptoms of ADHD and ADD maybe due to the relaxing component that it gives. It’s also known to increase libido and treat insomnia.

3. Bee pollen - It is a great brain booster, lifting brain fatigue, improving alertness and helping concentration levels over an extended period of time. Rich in the B vitamins; B1, B2 and B3 – these are essential for a healthy nervous system and powerful detoxifiers, especially to the brain. They are often referred to as “anti-stress” or “morale” vitamins - when the nervous system is working optimally anxiety and stress can be greatly lessened.  Bee pollen can be eaten raw or can be added to your favorite cereals, smoothies, yogurt or hot drink. I see most people test for 1-2 teaspoons a day as a daily dose.

4. Tuna omega-3 oil - The brain, being about 60% fat, is one reason why the body loves having the right fats in the diet.  Fish oil also has an incredible impact on the brain and I have seen it work wonders especially for mild memory loss and depression.  You do have to be careful to get a good brand, for tuna is known for mercury toxicity.  Standard Process and Nordic Naturals are both brands I trust for their fish oil.

5. Min Tran - It is a vegetarian product from Standard Process that contains iodine and other minerals to support emotional balance when you are stressed and the nervous system is too much in 'fight or flight' mode.  In this way it supports a healthy nervous system, eases stress, and calms us down.

6. Exercise it!  If you don't use it you lose it.  So play crossword puzzles, sudoko, trivia pursuit, read for fun, etc.  20 minutes a day or more.

7. Blueberries - When we follow a diet rich in plant-based foods, like blueberries it can help with dementia. In a recent
 study, researchers found healthy older adults (ages 65 to 77) who drank 30 milliliters of concentrated blueberry juice (the equivalent of 230 grams of berries), had a significant increase in brain activity, blood flow and even memory compared to the placebo group. Flavonoids, abundant in blueberries, are likely to be an important factor in what's causing these effects, which can lower dementia risk.

8. Drink water - One of the main reasons for a headache is dehydration.  So the moment you start feeling head pressure grab a tall glass of water and see that many times the pressure will dissipate.  On average you should be drinking 3 liters of water a day.  This can include herbal teas.

So start incorporating these 8 things in your daily life for better brain health.  

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