Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hair Detox for Beautiful Hair

I help my patients detox from the inside out but what if we detoxed from the outside? I help people with premature balding, hair thinning and hair breakage that is beyond the normal wear and tear of over treated hair. I have even created my own Hair Rejuvenation supplement which people get great results with.  Even though a lot of times the hair loss is due to a heavy metal reaction and I am helping the body deal with those stressors with whole food supplements, wouldn’t it be nice to get the hair healthy from the outside too?

After you have eliminated all dead ends, you will need several basic items to detox your hair. Most of the items used are products that you will have around the house or can be purchased very inexpensively from the store. You will need:
1. Baking soda
2. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
3. Bentonite clay
4. Raw honey
With these four basic products, you will perform a simple hair cleansing and detox regime. Instead of using shampoos and conditioners full of chemicals, you will use the the baking soda and ACV. Raw honey is used for deep conditioning.

Hair Care Procedure:
• Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of filtered water in a bowl.
• Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one cup of filtered water in a second bowl.
• In the shower, first work the baking soda mixture through your hair. Rinse with cool water.
• Follow with the apple cider vinegar mixture and rinse with cool water.
• For added condition and shine, use a generous amount of raw honey after the ACV rinse. While your hair is completely wet, massage the raw honey through your hair, let it sit for a few minutes and rinse.

Now, the more often you wash your hair with baking soda and ACV, the faster your hair will detox. If your main goal is to detox, you can wash your hair with these mixtures every day.

Bentonite Clay Hair Mask to Hasten Hair Detox

To quicken the process, you can also use a Bentonite clay hair mask. Bentonite clay, essentially an absorbent ash, draws the toxins and excess oils out of your hair and scalp. I use bentonite clay in capsules for internal detoxing too.
The Bentonite clay hair mask is not a part of a daily cleansing regime, but should be used once a week at most.
To prepare the mask, you will mix equal parts bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar until it is the consistency of mustard.
After making the mask, cover your hair completely from roots to ends with the clay. Allow the mask to sit for about 30 minutes but take care to avoid letting it dry completely. You want your hair to still be pliable in order to easily wash it out.

Essential Oils and Such
During the hair detox, it is very important to avoid using any conventional products. After conditioning your hair with the apple cider vinegar, you may notice the smell lingering in your wet hair. Generally, the smell will dissipate in about a month as the detox process continues. Until then, you can use essential oils like lavender, jasmine, peppermint, or any of your favorite scents.
Here are two ways to apply the essential oils.
1. Before you get in the shower, you can mix the essential oils directly into the apple cider vinegar mix and cleanse as directed.
2. When you get out of the shower, you can apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil throughout your hair.

To replace conditioning or moisturizing products after cleansing, there are number of oils you can use. I’ve had good results 100% pure, organic argan oil to condition and heal the hair. Argan Oil has been used for centuries and is made from the Argan tree in the deserts of Morocco.

Wheat germ oil or coconut oil can also be used for conditioning. The great thing about all three of these oils is not only do they condition the hair, but they also protect against the ends from breaking off. As a result, the hair is strengthened which promotes hair growth.

Alternatives to Baking Soda for Hair Cleansing
Baking soda is inexpensive for detoxing your hair, but everyone’s hair is different. If you find your hair is detoxing, but reacting badly, fear not! Instead of the baking soda mixture, use pure Castile Soap instead. This soap achieves the same detoxing effects and even works better for some people. It’s all about finding what is best for you!
Enjoy beautiful hair!

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